Supprimer les plus vieux fichiers d’un dossier tant qu’on dépasse une certaine taille

Exemples de lancement du script

Notez qu’il faut lancer en utilisant “source

  • Supprimer les plus vieux fichiers du dossier courant (./) tant qu’il prend plus de 96Mo :
    source ./ --path ./ -l 9600000
  • Supprimer les plus vieux fichiers du dossier temporaire (/tmp/) tant qu’il prend plus de 2Go :
    source ./ --path /tmp/ -l 2000000000

Code du script

#!/usr/bin/env bash                                                              
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# usage:                                                                         
    echo "Clean directory: while size of a dir > limit, oldest files first."
    echo "Usage: ${filename} [-p|--path path] [-s|--max-size size] | [-h]"
    echo "    -p|--path: path to clean"            
    echo "    -l|--limit: max size for the folder (must be > 0)"
    echo "    -h|--help this help"                 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# handling arguments:                                                            
filename=$(basename -- "$0" | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/')        
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do                                     
    case $1 in                                               
        -p | --path ) shift              
                      # stop if path doesn't exist:
                      if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
                          echo "Path not found: '$1'"
                          return 1
        -l | --limit ) shift             
                       SIZE_LIMIT=$(echo $1 | bc)
                       if [ $SIZE_LIMIT -le 0 ]
                           return 1
        -h | --help ) usage              
        * ) usage                        
            return 1 
[ -z "$PATH_TO_CLEAN" ] && echo "Path empty" && usage && return 1
echo "Cleanin dir: '$PATH_TO_CLEAN', size limit=$SIZE_LIMIT" 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# handling arguments:                                                            
while [ 1 ]                                                                      
    s=$(du -sb $PATH_TO_CLEAN | cut -f1 | bc)                
    if [ $s -gt $SIZE_LIMIT ]                                
        find $PATH_TO_CLEAN -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | \
            sort -nr | \
            tail -$NUMBER_FILES_TO_DELETE_EACH_LOOP | \
            cut -d' ' -f 2- | \
            xargs -I {} rm -f {}
return 0

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